Act Normal Games
Based in Jyväskylä, Finland
Founding date:
April 27, 2016
Press / Business contact:
blast@actnormalgames.com (Request a key)
Act Normal Games is an independent Finnish game company driven forward by big eternally burning passion to post-apocalyptic themes and games.
At the very beginningIn early 90's, a family picking berries somewhere in Finland. Near a gravel pit, not so interested in berries, kid glances to the sky on his knees. Sun is shining warmly. He looks down to the ground, sees yellow sand and small plants trying to survive in the scorching heat. He wonders: why am I so fascinated by this rough scene, that I just must sit here and stare to the ground? Almost like waiting something to happen. Two decades later Heikki realized it. Post-apocalyptic stuff is somehow integrated to his brain!
PresentCurrently developing post-apocalyptic point and click adventure game Rauniot for PC.
Rauniot is an isometric post-apocalyptic point and click adventure game for PC, which takes place to Northern Finland near Saana fjeld.
In the year 1975 a massive natural disaster pushed the civilization over the edge.
Riots, massive conflicts and wars occurred. Once so glorious and powerful human race really lost it good.
Main continents were drowned by seas. Heavy amounts of pollution spread around from collapsed nuclear power plants and -warheads. Not many survived from those deadly times.
Children born mutated or dead taking their mothers with them. Fathers walking alone in bitterness and sorrow driven to cannibalism as food resources slowly ran out. In this sad new world nature and man are trying to survive and find balance.
Still some individuals manage to trust one another just enough to establish groups providing protection, food, clean water, medicine, electricity and knowledge for better life.
Aino is one of those lucky ones to be part of a group. But it can be one hard job in this world. Giving everything you’ve got in dangerous journeys and tasks prevents one to be isolated.
Rauniot Release Date Trailer YouTube
Rauniot Release Date Trailer YouTube
Rauniot Announcement Trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Act Normal Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Heikki Pulkkinen
Artist/Game Designer/Game Developer
Act Normal Games
blast@actnormalgames.com (Request a key)
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks